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Giving THANKS!

I have A LOT to be thankful for this year and my entire life. I’ll keep the personal stuff to myself and family, but thought I’d share what I’m thankful for this year from a professional standpoint. There’s a tremendous amount of work life and personal life overlap in our culture. I’m a firm believer that if you love what you do for work, you’ll love the rest of your life (the stuff that REALLY matters) that much more. That’s why I quit my “real job” in 2008 and started trading.

As I’ve mentioned countless times before, I quickly realized Day Trading is tough. It’s the hardest job I’ve ever had. It’s also the most rewarding. Honestly not a day goes by that I’m not grateful to be Day Trading for a Living instead of working at my old “real job”. Whenever I’m crabby or just lost some $$$ to the market, all I have to do is say “this is still so much better than my old job” and I immediately perk up!

That said, I just wanted to take a few minutes and acknowledge some specific things I’m thankful for in my professional life in 2016:

*My wife, for always being supportive throughout my Day Trading Journey. I couldn’t ask for a better life partner. I just hope one day she’ll understand why I’m so pissed off when I break a rule, even if I made a lot of $$$ doing it. BTW, I consider myself a horrible writer so she’s officially my editor and chief. Please take up any/all typos and grammar issues with her.

*Having found a great trading community. I found this YEARS ago but feel the need to acknowledge it publicly this year. I trade every day in Mike’s room and it’s the best and safest place to trade imho. Day trading can be a lonely endeavor. I encourage everyone to find a group of traders like I trade with daily that is supportive, honest and selfless. I try to learn something from everyone in chat every day – even those of you who insist on posting stuff after the fact (inside joke). Who knew Day Trading could be a TEAM effort!?

*Mike (aka GSP) for asking and talking me into creating our day trading course with him. Creating the course was a blast, albeit a lot of work. The truly unexpected side effect of creating and teaching the course is that it has taken my trading to the next level. I guess the added pressure of “practicing what we teach” is exactly what I needed to step things up. I’m so looking forward to next year and continuing to share our way of trading through our course.

*To everyone who has participated in our classes, filled out their trade trackers, followed me on twitter and/or read my blog. You’re all great and unique. Like I mentioned earlier, spending time with you helping you through your struggles and frustrations just makes me a better person and trader.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy the time with your friends and family and make sure to tell them Thanks!

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