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About our course in 2018...


We’re doing things a bit differently this year than we did in 2017 and late 2016 when we first started offering our course. This year we are only teaching one full-length live course. This course will be taught on Saturday January 27th and Sunday January 28th, 2018. We decided to break the course into 2 days so we don’t rush through anything and can spend ample time going through everything in detail and answering every question that comes up. We anticipate the course will run about 14 hours total over the 2 days but could be slightly shorter or longer (most likely longer) depending on the number of questions we receive and the participants interaction with us and the material being covered. Over these 2 days you will learn EVERYTHING we do day in and day out to consistently pull money from the markets. You will learn every aspect and detail of our Day Trading process.

Then after January, we will be teaching “refresher courses” once per quarter. We taught our first refresher course this past October and it was a HUGE success. EACH refresher course will be all brand-new material and examples of what we’ve traded since the last class. These courses will allow us to drill down into “what’s working now” along with discussing timely common issues and strengths we are seeing in other trader’s performances. They will be filled with timely and actionable material that will continue to help you grow as a trader. Each of these refresher courses will be about 4-6 hours in length. They too will be recorded so you can review the material as often as you would like with your personal 24/7 access to stream the recordings.

This is just one of the MANY ways what we teach and how we teach it is so different your other options. You’re not buying a DVD that was put together years ago when some guru had a lucky streak. We constantly update our material to make sure it’s timely, fresh and most importantly adapted to the current markets. We don’t teach by talking or showing any theory. We teach by showing you “game tapes” of actual trades we traded ourselves. We don’t pull up some old chart and point to the place where you should have bought. That’s just hindsight and it helps no one. Rather, we show you Level2, T&S along with the chart unfolding in real time while we were trading it.

By structuring our course this way in 2018, we feel it’s the best way to continue to help every trader who takes our class grow and develop their own process until they are consistency profitable. We don’t just sell you our course and say good luck! We continue to help and support each trader grow and fine tune their process. Remember, we aren’t successful unless you are.

If you have any questions about our course, please reach out. We personally answer every email. We will not pressure you and try to sell you the course. We’ll just answer any questions you have in order to help you decide if our course is right for you.

Here’s to a healthy, happy and prosperous Day Trading New Year!

Happy Holidays everyone!

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